Database Schema Requirements


Use of  the ORM.NET application requires that you have designed a valid , normalized SQL database. Once you have completed defining the tables, columns, relationships,  constraints, and primary keys which make up the database definition you are ready to use ORM.NET to generate a data layer based on this schema information.


You can continue to modify and refine your database schema after you generate the initial data layer without impacting your prior development as your application and data model evolve through the life of the application.




In order to assure that your database schema will work consistently with ORM.NET it must follow these basic requirements:


Database schema Requirements:


  1. There must be at least one column designated as a Primary key for each table.

  2. Relations between tables must be explicitly defined in order for ORM.NET to map them.


Database Recommendations


    1. Do not use spaces or other special characters for column and table names. Spaces or other invalid characters within column or table names will be represented as an underscore within the object model.

    2. Use singular names for tables and properties - i.e. Customer instead of Customers. This will make the data layer easier to understand.

    3. Make sure you design your indexes with care to ensure optimal performance

    4.  Ensure that you follow common normalization methods when creating your database.