Step 4:     Generate Data Layer


Once you are satisfied with any customization you want to make to the object model created by ORM.NET you are ready to generate a .NET based solution which will be compiled into a Data Layer assembly. The compiled Data Layer assembly will act as the interface between your business logic and database.


1.     Click the "Generate Data Layer" button at the lower right hand area of the ORM.NET Object Browser.







ORM.NET will perform a validation check to ensure that your database schema and tables can be generated as a valid object model and can be compiled as a .NET assembly. Any problems with how tables, columns or relationships have been defined within the database schema are listed allowing you to make any necessary changes before the object model is generated.  Refer to Database Schema Validation for more details.



2.      Once the Data Layer is generated you are prompted to choose a directory and solution file

  name (.sln) of the .NET solution and project(s).





Go to Step 5: Compile Generated Data Layer Solution. You are now ready to compile and include the generated Data Layer component within your application.



Refer to the  Generate Data Layer section to learn more about the solution and generated files.