ORM Sample Class Library

RoomCollection Members

RoomCollection overview

Public Instance Constructors

RoomCollection ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the RoomCollection class.

Public Instance Properties

Count (inherited from CollectionBase)Gets the number of elements contained in the CollectionBase instance.
Item (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate) Gets or sets the Room at the specified index. In C#, this property is the indexer for the IList interface.
Site (inherited from CollectionTemplate) IComponent implemetation

Public Instance Methods

Add (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate) Adds a Room to the collection.
Clear (inherited from CollectionBase)Removes all objects from the CollectionBase instance.
Dispose (inherited from CollectionTemplate) IComponent implemetation
Equals (inherited from Object)Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
FilterBy (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Filter by the provided property name
FilterByBuilding (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Filter by the property Building.
FilterByCapacity (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Filter by the property Capacity.
FilterByDateCreated (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Filter by the property DateCreated.
FilterByFloor (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Filter by the property Floor.
FilterByID (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Filter by the property ID.
FilterByRoomNumber (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Filter by the property RoomNumber.
FindBy (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Find the first in the collection, based on the supplied property.
FindByBuilding (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Find a Room by the property Building. returns null if not found.
FindByCapacity (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Find a Room by the property Capacity. returns null if not found.
FindByDateCreated (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Find a Room by the property DateCreated. returns null if not found.
FindByFloor (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Find a Room by the property Floor. returns null if not found.
FindByID (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Find a Room by the property ID. returns null if not found.
FindByRoomNumber (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Find a Room by the property RoomNumber. returns null if not found.
GetEnumerator (inherited from CollectionBase)Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the CollectionBase instance.
GetHashCode (inherited from Object)Serves as a hash function for a particular type, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table.
GetType (inherited from Object)Gets the Type of the current instance.
IndexOf (inherited from CollectionTemplate) Determines the index of a specific item in the Collection.
OnListChanged (inherited from CollectionTemplate) Use to Manually fire the event
Remove (inherited from CollectionTemplate) Removes an object from the collection
RemoveAt (inherited from CollectionBase)Removes the element at the specified index of the CollectionBase instance.
SortBy (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate)Overloaded. Returns a sorted collection based on the supplied property name.
SortByBuilding (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate) Sorts a Room by the property Building.
SortByCapacity (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate) Sorts a Room by the property Capacity.
SortByDateCreated (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate) Sorts a Room by the property DateCreated.
SortByFloor (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate) Sorts a Room by the property Floor.
SortByID (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate) Sorts a Room by the property ID.
SortByRoomNumber (inherited from RoomCollectionOrmTemplate) Sorts a Room by the property RoomNumber.
ToString (inherited from Object)Returns a String that represents the current Object.

Public Instance Events

Disposed (inherited from CollectionTemplate) IComponent implemetation
ListChanged (inherited from CollectionTemplate) Raised when the list changes.

Protected Instance Properties

InnerList (inherited from CollectionBase)Gets an ArrayList containing the list of elements in the CollectionBase instance.
List (inherited from CollectionBase)Gets an IList containing the list of elements in the CollectionBase instance.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object)Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
Match (inherited from CollectionTemplate) Provides the Match method to all inherited classes.
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
OnClear (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 
OnClearComplete (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 
OnInsert (inherited from CollectionBase) Performs additional custom processes before inserting a new element into the CollectionBase instance.
OnInsertComplete (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 
OnRemove (inherited from CollectionBase)Performs additional custom processes when removing an element from the CollectionBase instance.
OnRemoveComplete (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 
OnSet (inherited from CollectionBase) Performs additional custom processes before setting a value in the CollectionBase instance.
OnSetComplete (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 
OnValidate (inherited from CollectionBase)Performs additional custom processes when validating a value.

Protected Internal Instance Fields

addMethod (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 
componentSite (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 
finalType (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 
newMethod (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 

Protected Internal Instance Methods

OnPropertyChanged (inherited from CollectionTemplate) Raises the ListChanged event.

Explicit Interface Implementations

IBindingList.AddIndex (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 
IBindingList.AddNew (inherited from CollectionTemplate) If the parent is supplied ( a parent or the datamanger ) then it will be used to create a new object, providing the object has no parameters on its constructor.
IBindingList.ApplySort (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 
IBindingList.Find (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 
IBindingList.RemoveIndex (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 
IBindingList.RemoveSort (inherited from CollectionTemplate) 
ICollection.CopyTo (inherited from CollectionBase) 
IList.Add (inherited from CollectionBase) 
IList.Contains (inherited from CollectionBase) 
IList.IndexOf (inherited from CollectionBase) 
IList.Insert (inherited from CollectionBase) 
IList.Remove (inherited from CollectionBase) 
ITypedList.GetItemProperties (inherited from CollectionTemplate) Allows the override of the default behaivour of SqlTypes to their native equivalent
ITypedList.GetListName (inherited from CollectionTemplate) Used for DataGridTableStyle

See Also

RoomCollection Class | OleroTrainingBiz Namespace

>ISerializable.GetObjectData (inherited from DataSet